Secure computing is becoming more and more difficult. Your customers trust that you will keep their information secure, and you expect to have access to your data when you need it. Unfortunately, there is a constant risk of compromise anytime you are online. While no one can guarantee security, Simplicity Force has a defense in depth strategy to make your computing environment more secure.
Our first line of defense is an enterprise grade firewall to scan all traffic to the internet. These devices are especially good at blocking malicious websites or downloads. The information is constantly being updated, so new threats are blocked very quickly. This helps immensely at preventing phishing attempts. If you are opening up ports for remote access, allowing customers or other visitors to use your network, frequently visiting new websites or corresponding over e-mail with people you don’t know, this device is a great asset. An added feature of these firewalls is the ability to connect to your office remotely. With this device, you can work from anywhere as if you were in the office.
The core of a business’s technology infrastructure is its network. It is also the most taken for granted. With cloud computing, video streaming and unified communication becoming commonplace, network bandwidth and quality of service are becoming more important. Fortunately, an enterprise quality network is within reach of business of all sizes.
Simplicity Force uses gigabit switches to ensure there are no network bottlenecks. These switches are constantly monitored and kept up-to-date to insure minimal downtime. We also have the tools, and expertise, to terminate and test network connections, so your network can grow with you.
With the introduction of 802.11ax access points, wireless networks are also becoming viable choices for almost all types of traffic. Simplicity Force uses centrally managed access points for increased security and better connections.
A large part of a successful wireless implementation is the proper installation of the access points. Simplicity Force has the tools and equipment to configure a custom wireless network that provide excellent coverage without dead spots.